DVCTA presents Lateral Work 101 Clinic with Anne Moss R Dressage Judge. All breeds welcome, spots are limited!
Looking forward to a wonderful clinic with Anne Moss! The forecast changes by the day. Oil your saddles and get ready to ride! Anne has great exercises to challenge us and teach us during the Lateral 101 clinic. ( make sure your know the Pyramid of Training https://www.usdf.org/EduDocs/Competition/The_New_Pyramid_of_Training_Marilyn_Heath.pdf ) and look up the definitions here https://www.usef.org/forms-pubs/F3p8pgrWgAo/dr-dressage-division
Parking will be in the field where trailers park for shows.
Given the state of affairs, follow COVID and EVH protocols for humans and horses. Take your horses temperatures for 72 hours prior to arriving. If you or your horse is not feeling well please stay home.
Everyone must wear a mask unless riding.
There will be NO FOOD or water available on the property. Bring your own.
Do not muck your trailer into our field, Nor let your horse drink from the stock tubs in the field.
You are welcome and encouraged to stay and watch the clinic. We have levels from Intro to Grand Prix!!
Safe Travels
Got Leg Yield, Turn on the Forehand, Turn on the Haunches, Shoulder fore, Shoulder-in, Haunches-in, Half-pass, walk or canter pirouettes?
A chance to learn or review the theory, coordination of aids, position, timing and balance needed for working on two tracks and lateral work. Whether you aspire to help your horse climb the Pyramid of Training,(https://www.usdf.org/EduDocs/Training/Pyramid_of_Training.pdf) head down the centerline or venture down the trail to negotiate gates and obstacles, lateral work is essential.
All breeds and disciplines welcome!
Have a look at the USEF Dressage Rulebook to find the definitions of the various movements under DR 111 https://www.usef.org/forms-pubs/F3p8pgrWgAo/dr-dressagedivision
Facility: Clinic will be held at Blue Goose Stable,LLC (www.bluegoosestable.com ) Easy parking, dressage and warm arenas on great footing, and jump arena with quality show jumps.
Cost: $60 ($50 for DVCTA members). Please make checks payable to DVCTA or pay by Friends and Family paypal to DVCTA at dvcta2011@gmail.com. All entries/ payment must be received by 04/05/2021. No refunds after closing unless spot can be filled from waitlist.
Health and Safety: We ask that all participants monitor their own health and take their own temperatures prior to arriving. Please do not enter grounds if you are symptomatic or if you have been exposed to COVID-19. Please limit spectators to one person per horse and rider team and wear a mask whenever you are unmounted and within 6 feet of another person.
For more information or to reserve a spot: please email Darcy at BlueGooseShows@gmail.com or call/ text 610-999-5231. Spots are limited!