Junior/Young Riders Teams

This page is dedicated to helping our junior team riders raise funds and awareness in order to compete in the Lendon Gray Dressage4Kids competition in New York and other team events. DVCTA also supports our young event riders in pursuit of their dreams by offering several day clinics especially for out young riders. DVCTA’s junior young riders work hard all year long riding and fundraising for the chance to compete for a weekend in July against their GMO peers.
DVCTA has taken up to thirty junior riders to this competition and with our funding, they are able to attend. Please help our junior rider team achieve their goals! All funds raised will go directly to the junior team for their regional competition, which includes Dressage4Kids Youth Festival.
If you would like further information on how your donation will be used for the team, please contact Lisa Knox at jrteam@dvcta.org.
DVCTA Activity 2022
The Junior Committee has planned clinics for DVCTA Juniors! Join in the Fun.
Any DVCTA Jr rider is invited to participate in these clinics. Please fill out the intent form (below) at least 2 weeks before each clinic. Please send your intent forms to Lisa Knox.
Clinic Dates:
- Sunday, August 14th – Anne Moss at West View Farm
- Sunday, September 11th – Danni Toscanno at Pony Island Stable
- Friday, September 23rd – Melanie Delduco at Second Nature Farm
For DVCTA Junior and Young Riders 2022
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2022
Clinics TBA
The 2022 Jr team activities will be 3 educational clinics. These clinics will be Subsidized by DVCTA for each Junior rider attending. Please submit the letter of intent ASAP! The deadline is June 30th.
**Please note the 2022 DVCTA Jr. team will NOT be attending Dressage 4 Kids and the region 1 Youth Dressage Team Challenge this year but are aiming to go in 2023.
- Must be a DVCTA membership in good standing.
- Commit to complete 8 hours of volunteer work for DVCTA.
- 4 of which need to be Jr sponsored activities.
- Donate 3 items to silent auction.
- Submit letter of intent above.
- Write an article and submit to DVCTA Junior Team committee within 30 days after the event.